2021-11-27 10:55:24

Streaming Payouts Comparison

Streaming platforms are at the center of the music industry. However, while promising local artists will earn not so much through streaming, an international superstar will make a million times as much.

Spotify pays less than a cent: about $0.003 to $0.0084 per stream, with an average payout of $0.004 per stream.

How much you will earn depends on many factors. For example, not every country pays the same amount. It also depends on the distribution contract you have or whether your music is streamed by users with a Free or Premium plan.

To earn more money, an artists should be present on multiple music streaming platforms. Plus, being featured on playlists can significantly increase the number of streams.


Spotify is a digital music streaming service that provides access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos from artists worldwide. So why do people love it so much?

Its main advantage is that its users can access great content for free just by registering.

Spotify is available in two versions: Spotify Free and Premium; the second option requires paying a monthly subscription fee. The free version has some advantages for its users because they can stream music at no cost. But to enjoy the full service, they need a Premium plan. And those Spotify Premium listeners bring more money per stream than Free tier listeners.


Let's get straight to the point: how much does an artist actually earn per stream? Well, that's not that easy to figure out. Spotify is very secretive about it.

The company officially establishes a payment of between $0.003 and $0.0084 per stream, with an average payout of $0.004 per stream.

However, it depends on many factors. For example, not every country pays the same amount. While listeners from the US pay $0.0039 per stream, Portuguese listeners will pay $0.0018.

In addition, Spotify doesn't pay artists royalties based on streaming rates. The royalty payments that artists receive may vary based on differences in the streaming of their music or the agreements they have with labels or distributors.

As we've already mentioned, Spotify Free and Spotify Premium handle music royalties differently. The first is free to use and shows ads to users. The Premium model has no ads but does ask for a monthly fee. Royalties are distributed from the net revenue collected from ads and Premium subscription fees. Spotify offers better royalties when Premium users stream music.


With about a third of the streaming market share, Spotify pays on the average $0.004 per playback. Thus, it's necessary to reach 250 listeners to earn at least a dollar.

So you have to stream a lot to get something out of it. In addition, it doesn't mean that all the money goes to the artists. They often also have to divide the money: a record label or a manager often wants to earn some profits. So then there's not much left. There has been a lot of controversy regarding how much Spotify pays for royalties.

There are many factors to consider that affect the money an artist will receive from Spotify and such as where their listeners live, if they have a Premium account or what type of distribution contract the musician in question has.


The content rights owners are paid based on those rates and are subject to the percentage of reproductions that come from free and Premium users. Therefore, the higher the percentage of streams of Premium users, the higher the royalty rate and vice versa.

This is clearly visible when we look at the case of South Korea - a frontrunner when it comes to Pay Per Stream. Spotify pays as much as 0.017 per stream when South Koreans stream music. It's due to the fact that Spotify launched in South Korea without a free tier and only premium streaming is available. With this example, it becomes clear what immense influence the free plan has on the PPS.

With its enormous growth of active users, Spotify currently has around 75 million users worldwide, but approximately only 20 million have a Premium account.

Obviously, the growth of free users is much higher than that of paid users, which dilutes the royalty rate per stream for artists. The more users Spotify acquires, the lower the royalty rate per stream, unless the paid subscription percentage is maintained or increased compared to the free version. Rates are also influenced by the country (due to advertising purchases and the currency's value).

The price of paid subscriptions may also vary due to discounts and package offers.


Many artists and music makers aren't happy with Spotify's system. Of all the money Spotify receives, 70 percent goes to the right holders. That money also comes from your Spotify premium subscription.

On its website, Spotify says:

“Spotify pays royalties for all of the listening that occurs on our service by distributing nearly 70% of all the revenues that we receive back to rights holders. By ‘rights holders,’ we are referring to the owners of the music that is on Spotify: labels, publishers, distributors, and, through certain digital distributors, independent artists themselves.”

⁠So most of your money will go to the record label, then the distributor, and at the very end, the artist.

But not necessarily the one you've been listening nonstop for the past month.

The system also concerns the share of one artist within all those streams. Spotify takes all of the money generated from users and divides it by the total share of streams each artist received. ⁠So let's say Drake is responsible for five percent of all streams, then five percent of all money has to go to Drake.


Of course, that's okay if you enjoy listening to Drake. But what if you never do? Then it's actually a bit weird since your money goes to Drake while you never listen to his music. That's why some artists think that your subscription money should go to the artists you actually stream. And not that everything is lumped together and then distributed.


Do you want to know how much do artists make per stream?

How many streams does it take to make money with Spotify or other platforms? Well, you can figure it out looking at the table below.

These are the number of streams that musicians need to obtain to earn $1 or $1000.

Therefore, if a musician gets 1,000,000 views on Spotify (where only the biggest can get), his earnings would be $4,366.


Spotify doesn't want to say what exactly artists earn because it depends on many factors. However, according to simple calculations, artists have to have millions of streams to live from their music.

For example, according to our chart, as an artist, you'll earn:

$0.004 on average per stream

$4 per 1,000 streams

$4000 per million streams

*Average annual salary in the U.S. is $50K, which is around $4100 per month.


Use Excitr to immensely increase the number of streams on your tracks. 

Give rewards to your fans to establish a closer connection and in turn you will increase your royalty revenue by up to 10 times

You should also focus on building fan community. To build fan community, use Excitr so that your listeners can follow you on the music platform of their choice. 

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